
Sunday, August 8, 2010

101 Things

I first found the "101 Things I Learned in Architecture School" by Matthew Frederick one of the most inspirational mini-textbook around. Especially after working for so long, one tends to get jaded by the whole paper-work aspect of architecture and lose track of the beauty of architecture. Going back to school (this time tutoring), is a refreshing change. And browsing through this book filled with 'things I learned', I realised that these are still very eminent it is in my architectural practice these days ... brought back fond memories of school and prized assignment & achievements.
And now, Matthew Frederick collaborated with other professionals to come up with a series of 101 Things I Learned.

Today, I added 101 Things I Learn in Fashion School to my collection, although I was never properly schooled in that aspect, but if it's anything like the first one I have, I am sure I will enjoy it ... ;)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Pegs and Something Pink

And the dinner is finally a wrapped! A great big pat on the back for Grace Yong for pulling this together. Although not everyone was there, but in attendance where near to 1,000 alumni ranging from graduating year of 1949 to 2010!

It is REALLY something pink! Just look at the photo from a dear friend and an amazing photographer, Andy Kho.
In the end I just didn't continue working on the 'doily' and I had to come up with a quick solution last minute. I bought some leather straps in pink while out with Gette, 2 days before the reunion dinner.
So, I twisted it into the Breast Cancer Awareness ribbon like at the back of the dinner ticket ... and voila, "Pegs and Something Pink" clipped to my knitwear.
Here's another wonderful picture by Andy, with Wendy. I did end up wearing a cheongsam top in pink underneath my knit. I do think this is a subtler approach than the doily on the head. ;)